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Coach B's Blog

Wolfpack Weekly for 4-6-18

Wolfpack Family,

From our very first day back in 2007, our program has ultimately been about helping turn young boys into good young men by intentionally focusing on building strong character qualities throughout all aspects of our program. I always say to our parents, it is a great honor and privilege for us coaches to partner with you to guide and shape your son into a fine young man who will some day become a good husband, a good father and a good member and leader within our communities.

The key ingredient is that we don't just talk about all of this but we intentionally work very hard at it. Along with all of our in season "Pack Strength" character building and training sessions, we have been doing spring leadership classes for several years now. These have been incredible and have had a great impact on our players lives. I was reading a good article just the other day entitled, "Why your players won't lead" and it made some great points I want to attack head on this spring. I'm not saying we lack leadership, I simply desire to help build it in all of our guys.

As we all know, our culture and our world is a mess and facing so many current difficulties. We so desperately need good men to take a stand for the right and the good. This spring we're going to focus on creating "Men Built for Others", men built selflessly with purpose to serve others with passion and live life for something much greater and beyond themselves. We'll be asking honest questions about what it really does mean to be a man versus how our culture defines it and what real and authentic manhood looks like.

"Leaders for Life" meetings will be every Monday morning at 7:30am in my room (A214) staring NEXT Monday, April 9th. These are a mandatory responsibility of our off-season captains and those who signed up for leadership council but they are open to everyone. I'm hoping all 107 of our players show up and we have to find a bigger room. Please encourage your son to be a part of the 7 leadership studies we will have every Monday morning at 7:30am this spring.

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