A major component of our program and something that is built into both our mission statement and program goals as well as our core covenants is the concept of service. Obeying the principle of being intentional about everything we do and knowing things don't just happen, we spend a lot of time trying to help our players become "others oriented". Our goal and mission of developing "men built for others" is all about helping them practice servant leadership, be selfless and always put their teammates needs before their individual needs. Through our buddy system and our off-season teams and the many service opportunities we provide, our players get many chances to learn how to serve.
Over the years, our program has also consistently sought out opportunities to serve our community so our players can serve others while giving back practicing an attitude of gratitude in knowing how much our community has given to them. We have two great opportunities coming up and I want to encourage you to encourage your son to take part in either or both of them.
The first one, and one we participate in annually, is the "Highway 93 Cleanup" this coming Saturday, May 5th. 6 slots are still available and players are to meet at the Cowboy Church at 8:30am for a few hours helping to keep our valley beautiful.
The second one is the "Spring Into Safety Kids Event" and 5 or 6 slots are still available for this one as well. This event will take place on Sat, May 12th. Players will help in various capacities and will help hand out over 1,000 free helmets to children who attend. Players will help from 11am until 3pm at the NW Montana Fairgrounds.
Signups are in the boys locker room or you can contact Coach Kercher to get your name on the list.